Social, fake news, artificial intelligence, individualism, threaten the identity of communicators and there is a need to spread a culture and a space for dialogue, listening, encounter. Communication needs reciprocity even among communicators to generate thought, community, fraternity.
Communication is no longer just a matter for professionals but for everyone: educators, parents, artists, religious who can make their contribution to inclusion and solidarity, to sharing the cultural riches, achievements and sufferings of peoples. But how to communicate the Gospel and its values of proximity and closeness in our time? The question posed by the Synod of the Catholic Church, which ended in October, calls for new sensitivities, skills and practices today.
Suggestions for reflection and the sharing of ongoing experiences will take place in the webinar/lab “Communicating to build community” to be held online on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 6pm (Italian time).
Promoted by NetOne in collaboration with the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, the Dicastery for Communication, the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Vatican Media, the Synodal Way of the Church in Italy, TV2000 and InBlu2000, SIR, the Sophia University Institute, Weca the Association of Italian WebCatholics, the Città Nuova Publishing Group, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the initiative was created in 2023 by a team of professionals and media experts of different nationalities as a form of participation and contribution to the synodal path.
This second webinar follows on from the online meeting of 7 March 2024 entitled “Quale comunicazione per la sinodalità” (What communication for synodality) and is intended to be a further contribution oriented towards putting into practice the paths that have emerged so far from the Synod on synodality and the virtue of hope that this Jubilee year invites everyone to cultivate.
The webinar/lab of 12 February will feature talks by Alessandro Gisotti, deputy editorial director of Vatican Media, Kim Daniels, professor at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) and coordinator of the Study Group ‘Mission in the Digital Environment’ of the Synod of Bishops ‘For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission”, Pál Tóth lecturer at Sophia University Institute, Muriel Fleury and Beatrice Binaghi, respectively, in charge of communications and in charge of social media at the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Erica Tossani, member of the Presidency of the First Synodal Assembly of the Church in Italy, Paolo Balduzzi correspondent of A sua immagine Rai1, Alumera, blogger, Ana Tano, communications manager for United World Project-NetOne Argentina, Stefania Bogo, actress.
Sara Fornaro, Città Nuova web editor-in-chief, and Enrico Selleri, TV2000 anchorman, will moderate.
Thank you for your participation
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