NetOne: New Stage: Toward a Digital Oath

NetOne joined the event on artificial intelligence organized by the Sophia University Institute entitled: Toward a Digital Oath, which was held on May 27, 2024.
The event was held at the close of the interdisciplinary course on Artificial Intelligence promoted by the extension of Sophia University Institute: Sophia Web Academy. The program included the participation of Italian and international experts in different sessions dedicated to the relationship between science, technology and digital intelligence.

The experience was a unique occasion to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence in the contemporary context. The event was held in a hybrid mode.
NetOne is one of the early promoters of the Digital oath project and participated in this proposal
of Sophia University Institute through the presence of the International coordinator Isabel Gatti, PhD (Argentina) and Franco Ropelato, NetOne Association president.
We share the event flyer to learn about all the proposals and links to all the speeches.

Toward a Digital Oath.
– The relationship between science, technology and policy in the age of digital intelligence:

Roundtable: Challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence:
– Project presentation: digital oath for artificial intelligence:

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